Holidays Humor Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Looking to Get Kicked Out Today?


Then get your special someone one of these absolutely terrible gifts or experiences. Sure, you have to spend a little money, but they’re guaranteed to piss off your partner more than the gift of nothingness, which is saying quite a lot.

Food Holidays Interesting

The Best Valentine’s Day Foods For Your Sweetie


I got my first article published on Geekosystem today and I think you’ll all like it as it features a great variety of foods to make your sweetheart this Valentine’s Day. Tasty and romantic -how perfect.

Geekery Holidays Humor

8 Great Valentine’s Gifts For Geeks


Admittedly, it’s a little late to start shopping for gifts for your favorite nerd, but this list is too great not to share -especially these Dalek earrings. I would so buy these for myself.

Geekery Holidays New Products or Services

A Plush Unicorn Bouquet For Your Sweetie


Wanna impress your geek girl this Valentine’s Day? Then forget flowers, instead, grab her one of these great plush unicorn bouquets from Think Geek.

Geekery Interesting Movies TV Weddings

A Firefly Themed Wedding


Inara and Mal look absolutely amazing in their wedding photo pictures. Great job Doug and Madelinne!

Food Geekery

Bacon Roses

These are quite possibly the sweetest way to start off breakfast in bed, ever.

Animals History Holidays

Got The “Love Bug?”

Wrapping up our Valentine’s Day posts, Mental Floss has a great article detailing the strange role the flea once played in romantic poetry:

The most famous of these poems is The Flea, by John Donne. The poet’s narrator, struggling with a woman who wishes to hold on to her virginity, compares its loss to a fleabite: small and insignificant. When a flea actually does bite them both, he notes that their blood has mingled inside it. He just wants to mingle other bodily fluids anyway, so sex should mean neither sin nor shame nor loss of virginity at this point. Other writers imagined themselves as fleas exploring their lovers’ bodies, or bemoaned the fact that they were not fleas able to explore the secrets of a woman’s body without detection.

Fleas were symbols of love outside of poems, too. Some Frenchmen would pluck fleas from their lovers’ flesh and keep the insects as pets—it was a way to have a small piece of their beloved with them always. The fleas lived in tiny gold cages worn around the neck and were fed a daily meal of the man’s blood.

Here’s hoping you don’t get bit by any literal “love bugs” this year.

Image via Scurzuzu [Flickr]

Art Geekery Holidays Science

12 Geektasticly Wonderful Valentines

If you’re looking to give your Valentine something a little more intelligent this year, may I suggest one of these delightfully fun science-themed Valentines Day cards?

Animals Giveaways Holidays RTD Original

14 Adorable Animal Kissing Photos

These absolutely precious animals certainly know how to keep things romantic. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we want to see your cutest critter kisses. So we’ve partnered up with the tee-shirt company 604Republic to reward you for showing off your romantic side.

UPDATE: Because we weren’t getting enough entries, we’ve changed the rules of the contest. To enter, just start following 604Republic on Twitter or like their Facebook page, then leave a message on their Facebook page or compose any tweet with the hashtag #kissingcritters. That’s it and good luck.

One person from each service will be chosen at random on Saturday the 19th to win a free tee-shirt of his or her choice from 604Republic –a great gift for your special someone, or a nice way to treat yourself. Winners (and their picture submissions) will be posted here after the contest is over.

Now on with our cute animal pictures:

Image via Spicuzza [Flickr]

Image via Muzina Shanghai [Flickr]

Image via BekiPe [Flickr]

Image via Foxtongue [Flickr]

Image via Lovehate [Flickr]

Image via Muzina Shanghai [Flickr]

Image via Wolfy! [Flickr]

Image via Athene8 [Flickr]

Image via Piez [Flickr]

Image via CornholioLU [Flickr]

Image via zund [Flickr]

Image via Vectorlyme [Flickr]

Image via Magnusvk [Flickr]

Image via Tambako The Jaguar [Flickr]

Humor Science Sex

The Hickey of Death

Ok, to be fair, “The Hickey of Paralysis” might be a little more accurate, but it certainly doesn’t sound as cool. It all started when a woman in New Zealand got a hickey from her boyfriend that happened to occur just on top of a major artery. A few days latter, she suffered a stroke that left her temporarily partially paralyzed. As it turns out, the hickey caused a clot in her neck that released and entered her heart, causing the stroke.

I guess if you really want to practice safe sex these days, hickeys and kisses should be out of the question.

Image via Janek B. [Wikipedia]