Hoaxes Humor

Messings With FaceBook Friends

Let’s face it, everyone has someone they don’t particularly like on their FaceBook page, and often, that’s because that person is at least a little stupid. Fortunately, they can be fun to have on your page as long as you’re willing to mess with them like this guy did.

Hoaxes Humor Interesting Politics

Michelle Bachmann’s Amazon Reviews

I know they’re fake, but they’re so spot on.

Geekery Hoaxes Humor Science

So That’s The Difference

Knowledge is delicious.

Advertising Hoaxes Humor Politics

How To Trick Nazis

At a Neo-Nazi festival in Germany recently, a group called EXIT managed to get these shirts out to 250 attendees. At first they had a pro-nationalist message, but when washed, they urged those looking to get out of the lifestyle to contact them for help escaping.

Geekery Hoaxes Humor

Yahoo Answers Does It Again

Hoaxes Interesting Nature Science

The 10 Scariest Ghost Recordings

While I believe I have had first-hand experience with the paranormal, I also believe that a lot of the “evidence” backing it up is just bull. That’s why I love this Oddee article that lets you decide which recordings are real, and which are fabrications or coincidences.

Animals Hoaxes Nature Wildlife

Cyclops Shark Baby

Yes, this is real…or at least, really weird.

Funny Hoaxes Politics

Abortionplex Has Its Own Yelp Page

If you’re on the net a lot, then there’s a good chance you’ve already seen the Onion’s great article on Planned Parenthood’s new Abortionplex, but did you know the “facility” even has its own Yelp page now.

Funny Hoaxes Holidays

The 7 Craziest Pranks Ever

If someone tells you there’s a volcano exploding in your town, you shouldn’t have to check the calendar to see if it’s April 1st, but that didn’t stop the police from letting one prankster fake a volcanic eruption in 1974. This insane prank is one of the many weird and disturbing stunts featured in this great Cracked article.


Awesome Hoax of Cute

I sincerely wish this wasn’t a hoax. A Japanese site sold 20 “Real Pikachus” for over $900 million dollars. How f-ing cute are these little photoshopped brats!