Animals Interesting Nature Science Wildlife

A Collection of Fascinating Spider Facts

If you aren’t arachnophobic, then you’ll probably really enjoy this list of amazing spiders. If you are afraid of spiders, then just pretend those are all ants above.

Animals Art Nature Wildlife

Bad Ass Nature Tattoos

I personally would never want a bunch of insects hanging about on my naked flesh, but that doesn’t make these nature tattoos any less awesome.

Geekery Nature Science

7 Amazing Carnivorous Plants

I don’t know about you, but I have always found carnivorous plants to be fascinating. Unfortunately, it seems all we ever hear about are pitcher plants and Venus fly traps. This great article on WebEcoist covers seven different plants of this type, each of which are just as fascinating as the best known of the group.

Animals Art Interesting

Sculptures Sure To Bug

These brilliant works of art are made from hollowed out bug carcasses. They’re both creepy and thought-provoking.

Animals History Holidays

Got The “Love Bug?”

Wrapping up our Valentine’s Day posts, Mental Floss has a great article detailing the strange role the flea once played in romantic poetry:

The most famous of these poems is The Flea, by John Donne. The poet’s narrator, struggling with a woman who wishes to hold on to her virginity, compares its loss to a fleabite: small and insignificant. When a flea actually does bite them both, he notes that their blood has mingled inside it. He just wants to mingle other bodily fluids anyway, so sex should mean neither sin nor shame nor loss of virginity at this point. Other writers imagined themselves as fleas exploring their lovers’ bodies, or bemoaned the fact that they were not fleas able to explore the secrets of a woman’s body without detection.

Fleas were symbols of love outside of poems, too. Some Frenchmen would pluck fleas from their lovers’ flesh and keep the insects as pets—it was a way to have a small piece of their beloved with them always. The fleas lived in tiny gold cages worn around the neck and were fed a daily meal of the man’s blood.

Here’s hoping you don’t get bit by any literal “love bugs” this year.

Image via Scurzuzu [Flickr]

Animals Nature Wildlife

The World’s Strangest Bug

I can’t help but agree with BoingBoing when they say that the treehopper looks like something you’d expect Dali to have created. Surprisingly, it is 100% real.

Animals Nature Wildlife

Who Is The Ugliest Bug?

The Ugliest Bug Contest 2010 aims to conclusively decide who is the ugliest bug of the year. Will it be the milkweed (picture)? The jewel bug? The flour beetle? Or perhaps the oft overlooked house fly? You decide. Votes are accepted until December 15.


Another Awesome Cake -Wasp This Way

This lemon loaf cake with toffee wings is adorable and a little creepy. Sounds yummy although I’d be so sad to cut it open.

Cute little waspy, I hope he likes milk, because that’s where he’s getting dunked.


Mmmmm…Land Shrimp, Eat Insects

Land Shrimp, AKA crickets

Slate has an interesting article on why you should eat insects. They’re healthy, reduce pesticides and are practically the same as eating crustaceans. Who wants a cricket pie?