Animals Videos

This Ice Cream Shop Makes an Ice Cream Cone for a Local Squirrel Every Day

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Putter is a squirrel that lives in a tree outside of Fantasy Isle Ice Cream and Mini Golf in Holden Beach, North Carolina. The shop owners have grown to love the little squirrel and now give it two little tiny ice cream cones daily. The ice cream might not be great for the little squirrel, but before the shop started volunteering cones to Putter, she would mooch from visitors and take their leftovers instead. Now she is a guest favorite and she doesn’t actually need to be feed by the guests themselves.

Via Distractify

History Interesting Politics Videos

Interesting Facts About Every US President

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By now, you probably know way more than you want to know about our current presidential candidates. You probably even know a little bit about some of our more recent presidents and the more famous historical presidents, but do you know much about Rutherford B. Hayes or Martin Van Buren? Chances are you don’t know much about either of them, but you’re in luck because this great Today I Found Out video can offer you a little more information on each of our 44 presidents.

Animals Geekery Humor Videos

The Addams’ Family Bird

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He’s creepy and he’s kooky. He’s all together spooky -the Addams birdie. You gotta love how he replicates the clicks with the head. It seems like he really is a member of the Addams’ clan.

Via Huffington Post

Animals Videos

This Cat Knows How to Get Some Peace and Quiet

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We’ve all been there, especially on vacation -you’re having a nice, relaxing nap by the pool when an annoying family who just can’t stop yelling for two seconds comes out and destroys your serenity. These two dogs embody the worst kind of annoying tourist -the one who wants to drag you into their world of stupidity. I only wish I could handle the situation as quickly and smoothly as this cat does.

Via Laughing Squid

Animals Humor Videos

It Wasn’t Me…Was It?

Dogs are crazy when it comes to farts. Half of them fart and get confused by what came out of their bottom and half of them fart and run away to leave you with the stench. But then there’s Rain, who simply hears a fart machine and suddenly thinks he is the culprit, though he just doesn’t understand since he didn’t feel anything come out from back there.

Hey, at least he’s not the one doing it and unlike a lot of humans, he doesn’t try to hide it.

Via Cute Overload

Entertainment Geekery Humor Movies TV Videos

Breaking Bad: The Alternative Ending

(Video Link)

You probably thought Breaking Bad was the story of a chemistry teacher who turns to cooking meth in order to provide for his family after he dies from cancer. As it turns out though, the show was really just a really dark Malcolm in the Middle spin off show.

Via Laughing Squid

Animals Animation Videos

Carpark Reminds You It’s Not Nice to Tease

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Before we even get started here, the dog lover in me would just like to point out that you should never ever leave your dog in the car, even with the window rolled down and especially with it up. That being said, if you do see a dog in someone else’s car, you shouldn’t mock it. If you do, hopefully you’ll get what’s coming to you, whether it’s what happens to the man in this cute cartoon or someone taunting you when circumstances leave you with a broken lock that results in you being locked in somewhere.

Via Laughing Squid

Animals Videos

Baby Teaches Dog To Walk This Way

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We’ve already seen dogs teaching babies to crawl and cats that have tried to teach kids to walk, but this time it’s the baby who has taught the dogs a new trick -how to crawl. And could this crawling lesson be any cuter?

Via Laughing Squid

Animals Videos

Otter Juggling: Coming to an Otter Circus Near You

(Video Link)

I don’t know about you guys, but I would certainly pay to watch this water show. I hear the clowns are simply fantastic, as are the acrobats. I’m not so sure about the lion tamers though.

Animals Videos

Yoga Time With Pancho

Namaste little Pancho, you’ve got moves to make any yogi proud, but I bet your mantra still involves bacon.