Art Nature Science Travel

The Gallery of Comparative Anatomy

I wish I heard of this wonderful anatomy museum when I went to Paris. For now, I guess I’ll have to settle for looking at these great pictures.

Animals Science Videos

The Unbelievable Power of A Shrimp

Thank you Ever So Strange for teaching me something fascinating, yet again.

Art Geekery Holidays Science

12 Geektasticly Wonderful Valentines

If you’re looking to give your Valentine something a little more intelligent this year, may I suggest one of these delightfully fun science-themed Valentines Day cards?

Animals Nature RTD Original Science

Siberean Foxes For Adoption

Years ago, scientists in the USSR set out to discover how quickly a selectively bred animal could start to become domesticated. They started with red foxes and the offspring soon started to have gentler, friendlier personalities and their looks started to change as well. They started turning silver.

After the fall of communism, the scientists lost their funding and started selling offspring of the domesticated foxes as pets in order to further their research. You can buy your own for just under $6,000.

Humor Science Sex

The Hickey of Death

Ok, to be fair, “The Hickey of Paralysis” might be a little more accurate, but it certainly doesn’t sound as cool. It all started when a woman in New Zealand got a hickey from her boyfriend that happened to occur just on top of a major artery. A few days latter, she suffered a stroke that left her temporarily partially paralyzed. As it turns out, the hickey caused a clot in her neck that released and entered her heart, causing the stroke.

I guess if you really want to practice safe sex these days, hickeys and kisses should be out of the question.

Image via Janek B. [Wikipedia]

Interesting RTD Original Science

Why Do Old Ladies Dye Their Hair Blue?

Have you ever wondered why old ladies sometimes have blue or purple hair? As it turns out, there are motives and mistakes that lead to the hair bluing. First off, many older women find their hair starts turning an ivory/yellow color that is hardly attractive.

To fix this, many of them turn to blue hair rinses that can balance out the yellow color…unfortunately, as you age, your eyes become less sensitive to the color blue so many of them use way too much blue rinse. In their eyes, their hair is a nice, even shade of white, while the rest of us see a bright blue mess.

Blue hair is becoming less common these days because fewer people smoke, reducing yellowing of the hair, and because better home hair dyes are available, so fewer women run the risk of bluing their locks with a rinse.

Images via Andersedin and Blue Diamond Photography [Flickr]

Funny Science Sickening

The Most Disturbing X Rays Ever

People put some terrible things in their poopers. If you’ve ever wanted to see terrible X-Rays of such things and hear the stories about them, you’re sick. Regardless, Asylum has you covered.

History Politics Science

Drugs Are Good For You

Ok, well not all drugs are good for all people, but this article over at Oddee has some interesting ways that illegal drugs may be surprisingly good for some people in terms of medicine.

Humor Science

6 Gender Stereotypes That Are True

Women suck at parking and men stink at seeing colors. While they may just sound like stupid stereotypes, Cracked shows that these and four other gender stereotypes are actually confirmed by science. Of course, these should all be balanced out with 6 Things Everyone Knows About Women…That Are Totally Untrue.

Art Science

If You Like Pina Coladas

And seeing drinks under glass…Then you’re certain to love these amazing images of booze under a microscope. This is one of my all time favorite drinks, the delicious, and apparently gorgeous, pina colada.