History Holidays Travel

The Creepiest Places On Earth

If you’re dying for a good scare this Halloween, you may consider visiting one of these 9 terrifying tourist destinations.

Hoaxes Interesting Nature Science

The 10 Scariest Ghost Recordings

While I believe I have had first-hand experience with the paranormal, I also believe that a lot of the “evidence” backing it up is just bull. That’s why I love this Oddee article that lets you decide which recordings are real, and which are fabrications or coincidences.

Holidays Science

The Real Reasons For Spooky Sounds

Now that Halloween has passed, it just might be time to admit that the creaky noise in the attic is really a mouse not a ghost and that your flickering lights might be a wiring problem, not a sign of a distressed spirit. If you’re ready to face up to the science behind your haunted house, the buzzkills over at Consumer Reports have some interesting stories about the real causes for these spooky problems.

Image via Darkpatator

Holidays Interesting

9 More Tales of the Undead

If you liked the Mental Floss post from earlier this week about undead creatures from around the world, be sure to check out part two of the series.

History Politics

Ghosts of the White House

Obama and his family better not be afraid of specters, because the whole White House is full of them. From Lincoln to Jackson to Jefferson, some of history’s greatest men have refused to give up their residence in the famed home, even in the afterlife.


Creepy Abandoned Mental Asylums

Institutions are pretty creepy on their own, but after they’ve been abandoned for a few years, they move on from a little spooky into Silent Hill territory. This collection of disturbing images from abandoned institutions is both fascinating and eerie.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the day:
“Be gentle to all and stern with yourself.” -Saint Teresa of Avila

Fact of the Day:
In a bad economy, more females are born than males. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
National Trail Mix Day…again, August sucks at holidays.

Link of the Day:
Behold the hotel where I actually saw a ghost. It’s super haunted. Hotel Monte Vista.