Art Drugs Entertainment Humor Movies TV New Products or Services Other Arts & Entertainment

Fear & Loathing The Whole Family Can Enjoy

Artist Jonathan Baldwin knows that many of us want to pretend to be in Fear and Loathing, but not many people actually could survive the experience. That’s why he turned the famous novel and movie into a board game.

Console Games Entertainment

7 Creepy Ass Video Game Easter Eggs

Who knew that WOW has a secret dungeon and that GTA IV has a creepy beating heart inside the Statue of Liberty? Read about more creepy game Easter Eggs here.

Art Funny Geekery

Magic The Gathering Poetry

Whoever knew that Magic The Gathering cards could be so poetic with just a few Sharpie markers.

Funny Giveaways RTD Original

Contest: Make Use of This Useless Image

Stock images are useful for writers and editors who need an illustration to illustrate their article. That’s why photographers for stock image websites often try to create pictures that will suit every imaginable situation. The thing is, sometimes it’s impossible to guess just what the image was supposed to illustrate in the first place. BuzzFeed has a collection of 60 great stock images that seem entirely useless, so let’s make a game of it.

You have until May 19th to come up with any type of situation that this image could help illustrate. Winner will receive a can of homemade jam, one of my well-maintained, pre-owned books or $5, your choice.

Entertainment Geekery Holidays

Angry Birds For Easter

If you love Angry Birds, then you’re sure to love Angry Birds Seasons, which changes according to the upcoming holidays -in this case, Easter.


10 Ways Geek Up Your House

If you house doesn’t say enough about your love of gaming, perhaps some of these ideas will inspire you to improve your home.

Awesome sites

Awesome New Website: Swaptree

swaptree_logoI just discovered this site the other day…oddly enough at the advice of my mom…and it rocks. You post a list of things you have and a list of things you want. Whenever somone has what you want and wants what you have, it will help you two set up a trade. You can do games, cds, DVDs and books. I think you should all join and start trading with me. Try it!


Hasbro Word of the Day: “Dildo”

dildoscrabbbThis is too funny, I have no idea how the word ended up in the Scrabble’s word of the day database, but it was actually up on the Hasbro Scrabble site today. Things like this make life worth living.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Football combines the two worst things about America: it is violence punctuated by committee meetings.” -George Will

Fact of the Day:
The first football helmet was constructed by an Annapolis shoemaker at the request of cadet Joseph Mason Reeves, who’d been told that one more blow to the head would end his naval career. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Newspaper Carrier Day -not so fun unless you’re a carrier.

Link of the Day:
Beautiful images of Meteora, Greece.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” -Benjamin Franklin

Fact of the Day:
The creator of the Backstreet Boys and NSync screwed them over so badly that he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Anniversary of the First Pro Football Game in 1895

Link of the Day:
9 really amazing bridges you probably haven’t seen.