Funny Interesting

The Weirdest Insurance Policies Ever

If you were so religious and so conceited that you were really convinced that the second coming of Christ would involve you or one of your sisters, wouldn’t you be excited and not be running out to get insurance against the miracle? Three women from England weren’t and they’re not alone in their purchases of insane insurance policies.

Image via dshaboy [Flickr]

Awesome sites

Awesome New Website: Swaptree

swaptree_logoI just discovered this site the other day…oddly enough at the advice of my mom…and it rocks. You post a list of things you have and a list of things you want. Whenever somone has what you want and wants what you have, it will help you two set up a trade. You can do games, cds, DVDs and books. I think you should all join and start trading with me. Try it!

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Every man of genius sees the world at a different angle from his fellows, and there is his tragedy.” -Havelock Ellis

Fact of the Day:
Beowulf is the longest Old English manuscript in existence. It comprises about a tenth of all Anglo-Saxon poetry known to exist. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
America Business Women Day -Two women’s days in a row, aren’t we lucky?

Link of the Day:
The world’s coolest fences.