Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Democracy isn’t a state of perfection. It has to be improved, and that means constant vigilance.” -Antonio Tabucchi

Fact of the Day:
Dr. Suess once threatened to sue a prolife group for using his words “a person’s a person no matter how small,” on their letterhead. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Ancestor Appreciation Day

Link of the Day:
10 Really awesome book artists.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Love commingled with hate is more powerful than love. Or hate.” -Joyce Carol Oates

Fact of the Day:
The longest film is called “The Cure for Insomnia” and clocks in at a whopping 87 hours long. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
International Day of Democracy

Link of the Day:
The REAL lego video games.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” -Benjamin Franklin

Fact of the Day:
The creator of the Backstreet Boys and NSync screwed them over so badly that he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Anniversary of the First Pro Football Game in 1895

Link of the Day:
9 really amazing bridges you probably haven’t seen.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government ePizza Dogxcept all the others that have been tried.” -Sir Winston Churchill

Fact of the Day:
7-11 was named for the hours it was originally was open, 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
7-11 Day: Free Slurpees for all!

Link of the Day:
Hot dogs around the world!

Mmmm…hot dogs. Seriously, I love 7-11. It made me feel comforted when I saw them in Sweden and other places in Europe. Today is one of my favorite days of the year.

P.S. Viva la pizza dog.