Animation Geekery Humor Videos

Scientifically Accurate Ninja Turtles

They’re nightmares in a half-shell.

Interesting Travel

14 Abandoned Morgues

Practically any abandoned building is creepy to some extent, but when that building happens to be an ex-morgue, the eeriness becomes almost unbearable. Here are some great photos of 14 desolate morgues, try not to look at the pictures just before bed though or you might not be able to fall asleep.

Humor Sickening

Just Say “No”

Does Apple really even need to ask?

Fashion Humor Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

I Find Your Boob Dividers Disturbing

As a woman, sometimes you want to play with your own breasts and sometimes you want your lover to do so…but rarely do you want baby hands to arise from your cleavage in order to help you lift and separate.

Advertising Food Gadgets Geekery Humor Interesting

The Creepiest Bobble Head Ever

Slicey here knows how delicious he is, that’s why he’s determined for you to take a taste. That or he’s a total psychopath who wants to murder you and just to prove to you that he’s insane, he slices himself up first. I actually have one of these at home and I still don’t know if I should run or smile whenever I see it.

Food Humor Interesting Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

The 12 Creepiest Baby Shower Cakes Ever

These range from disgusting to disturbing…and some are a bit of both.

Holidays Videos

You’d Better Behave Thhis Christmas

A Krampus Carol by Anthony Bordain reminds us why we’d better be good the next 364 days of the year.

History Holidays Travel

The Creepiest Places On Earth

If you’re dying for a good scare this Halloween, you may consider visiting one of these 9 terrifying tourist destinations.

Fashion Holidays Hotties Movies TV

Sexy & Creepy Costumes

It’s hard to achieve the ideal balance between sexy and creepy, but this gory nurse and sexy Freddy managed to do just that.

Art Holidays

Amazing Illustrations by Anton Semenov

Behold the creepy, dark worlds that inhabit the mind of Russian artist Anton Semenov. Now, enjoy more of his artwork and think about how much you want him to decorate your haunted house.