
The Boy With A Weeiner on His Back

A Chinese baby born with a penis on his back was “fixed” after three hours of surgery this weekend. Wowzers. Thank Perez!


Paraguay’s Black Market, Drugs, Guns, DVDs

Thanks yet again Boing Boing, they have another great post today (as if it ever stops with them). This time, it’s a fantastic article in Good Magazine chronicling the black market of Paraguay, which is rampant and out of control, even by my standards. Read it.


Grave Discovered in Planned Subway Line

A subway system in an ancient city like Greece and Rome is always strange. When you ride them as an American, it seems like the strangest thing in the world to exit a subway and suddenly see something like the Coliseum facing you right out the exit.
Building them is even more mind boggling, as evidenced by the discovery of an ancient grave found while digging for a Greek subway. Imagine how many other random graves that old are still lying underground in these cities.


Anatomical Cross-Section Diagrams of Gamera & Godzilla

This is great, Laughing Squid has an anatomical picture of Gamera & Godzilla by Fredrick Barr. Truly clever.

Anatomical Cross-Section Diagrams of Gamera & Godzilla

Awesome sites Interesting

Teddy Bears Are Taking Over

I love Boing Boing, check out this post on teddy bear GPS navigation systems. I want one. I will cuddle with it and crash…none the less, I want one.


Go Out In Style and Stay In Their Memory

Burried in one of these?The inventor of the Pringles can died the other day and was buried, as he requested, in the can he created. More on that here.

Personally, I love this. It associates his death with his life and leaves yet another thing for people to remember him by. My boyfriend’s father passed away a week ago and we are holding a burial in TJ next weekend. As he requested, we are holding a party complete with a band after the funeral.


Crazy Mental Discovery

The Mind is A Crazy ThingBoing Boing has a link to a NYT article that has discovered the piece of the brain that recognizes sarcasm are not the same that generally deal with language and human interaction.