Animals Animation Videos

Carpark Reminds You It’s Not Nice to Tease

(Video Link)

Before we even get started here, the dog lover in me would just like to point out that you should never ever leave your dog in the car, even with the window rolled down and especially with it up. That being said, if you do see a dog in someone else’s car, you shouldn’t mock it. If you do, hopefully you’ll get what’s coming to you, whether it’s what happens to the man in this cute cartoon or someone taunting you when circumstances leave you with a broken lock that results in you being locked in somewhere.

Via Laughing Squid

Geekery New Products or Services

1.21 Giga Pimps: The Stretch DeLorean


Spotted at a DeLorean car show, I think every rich geek should aspire to ride around in one of these.

Advertising Funny Humor

The Best Used Car Listing Ever

If you can’t read all the fine print here, check it out full size over on Regretsy.

History Interesting

A See-Through Car

It might look like a weird painting, but this is a real see-through Pontiac made for the 1939 World’s Fair.

Funny Geekery Videos

Legoland Workers Prank Boss

Now these guys know how to pull a great prank.

Entertainment Geekery New Products or Services

The Ultimate Geek Car Accessory

What more needs to be said, other than AWESOME?

Geekery Interesting

Cool Car Mods

I have no idea how effectively this thing operates, but the ingenuity is simply wonderful. Check out more weirdly cool cars here.

Animals Funny History

Monkeys Driving Tiny Cars

Is there anything monkeys don’t look cute doing?

Art Crafts Interesting

Drive In to Some Style

You’ve surely seen restaurants with cars modified into furniture, but you probably weren’t aware just how much can be done with all of these old vehicles.

Art Interesting

Play Doh Car Replica

That cyclist has every reason to be distracted by that lifelike car. It’s actually made of 1.5 tons of Play Doh.