
Nicolas Cage Plays Everyone

Whether you love Nic Cage or hate him, you probably have never wondered what he looks like playing any other character in the world. Fortunately, Nic Cage As Everyone can help answer the most serious question you’ve never even considered.


50 Funniest Headlines This Year


Check out Buzzfeed’s funniest headlines of the year. Here’s a tip for copy editors, if someone’s last name is Hooker, try not to just use their last name and the word lay in a headline together.


The Funniest Protest Signs of 2009


The Huffington Post has an amazing collection of hilarious protest signs right now. You’re doing yourself an injustice if you don’t go check them out.


Roman Polanski On To Catch A Predator

This video is too funny. Thank you do much Boing Boing.


Decisions Decisions Contest!

3651560478_5f5979717dFew of you know this, but I have the sick, self-loathing drive to be a stand up comedian. As a result, I get annoyed when people try really hard to be funny and just fall flat…it’s double when the person is a woman because I am annoyed with how unfunny women tend to be.

Anyway, I was listening to the radio this morning and they had a contest where the person with the funniest reasons for their answers to two questions would win a prize. The contestant’s answers were miserable. I know I could do way better and I think you readers could as well.

So, the first person with answers I deem to be funnier than my own will receive a prize -be sure to leave your real email in the comments so I can contact you for your address and whatnot.

Here’s the questions:

What’s the best invention: a hot tub or an internal combustion engine? Same question only: the internet, condoms or birth control?

My answers: An engine is better because it’s a lot easier to clean sperm out of it. The internet’s better because my vibrator is completely useless with the other two.

Can you beat it?

P.S. Image Via Lian Ferrell [Flickr]

Bloody Brilliant Tampon Testing


If you’re looking to laugh, you should definately read The Tampon Trials, where an intrepid young man works to find the least absorbent and thus most safe (so he believes) tampon on the market. The results of this ill-advised experiment are simply priceless. Here’s a little quote:

This sounds strange, because for most products — paper towels, maxipads, adult diapers — absorbency is a good thing. But with tampons, ultra-absorbency can cause the rare but fatal Toxic Shock Syndrome, which is why doctors recommend that women use the least absorbent tampon they need.

Now, I’m a guy. I know nothing about these things. But this makes me worry for all the womens out there. We’ve got to cut down on tampon absorbency. As far as I’m concerned, these super-absorbent tampons are just waiting to explode.

Entertainment Videos

The State Finally Released on DVD

Great news everyone! One of the most overlooked TV skit shows ever, The State, is finally being released on DVD on July 14. It’s been postponed over and over again in release because MTV is a bunch of douches. Members of the group have been in Wet Hot American Summer, The Upright Citizen’s Brigade, Reno 911 and way, way more. It’s an amazing show with a fantastic case. Preorder it now on Amazon and I assure you, you will not regret it!


No On Prop 8 Video

On top of having some great points, this video is super funny.