Entertainment Interesting Movies TV

5 Accidental Movie Stars

Jason Statham plays a great tough guy and a magnificent con man…as it turns out though, that’s only because those were his real occupations (along with Olympic diver) before he started acting. Learn about more awesome accidental actors over at Cracked.

Fashion Hotties Humor Movies TV

The World’s Creepiest Dress

Steve Buscemi is always creepy, but on clothing, it makes me shiver.

Entertainment Funny Videos

Fight For Your Right Revisited

I know it’s long, but it’s worth watching all the way through.

Awesome sites Entertainment Funny

Chicks With Steve Buscemi Eyes

Can any woman look hot with Steve Buscemi’s eyes? Chicks with Steve Buscemeyes says no.

Entertainment Funny Quizes RTD Original

Who Said It: Hunter Or Charlie?

They’re both known for their rock and roll lifestyles and bizarre ramblings, so can you tell the who said these 15 quotes, Hunter S. Thompson or Charlie Sheen?

[mtouchquiz 1]

Image via Eexlebots [Flickr]


Nicolas Cage Plays Everyone

Whether you love Nic Cage or hate him, you probably have never wondered what he looks like playing any other character in the world. Fortunately, Nic Cage As Everyone can help answer the most serious question you’ve never even considered.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“You can’t find any true closeness in Hollywood, because everybody does the fake closeness so well.” -Carrie Fisher

Fact of the Day:

Those doves released at weddings and other formal ceremonies are actually white homing pigeons. True ring-neck doves are bred to be kept as pets and rarely survive out of captivity. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Ukraine’s National Holiday to celebrate independence from the USSR –hey, there aren’t that many holidays in August, I’m sorry. You could always celebrate my dad’s birthday with me.

Link of the Day:
Futurama as Hellboy.