History Travel

The Stunning Ajanta Caves

Hidden in the midst of dense Indian jungles, the Ajanta Caves are a stunning series of temples that we lost for almost 1000 years until they were discovered again in 1819. Learn more about these beautiful rock-carved temples here.

Image via danchitnis [Flickr]

History Interesting Travel

Stunning Carved Temple Images

The Ajanta Caves are a series of temples carved from rock in India. While it sounds like a cheesy location for a new Indiana Jones movie, the images are simply amazing.

Politics Sickening

Thanking Voters With a Slaughter

An Indian politician is so thrilled to have one the recent election that he has sacrificed over 200 goats and four buffalo. Take that PETA. More info available at


Man Arrested For Loving A Bear Like One of the Family

All these news stories lately are making me a sucker for bear stories. First the bear and kitty friends, now this. Ram Singh Munda, a resident of India, saved this little bear when it was abandoned in the forest. The bear, named Rani or “queen,” became friends with his daughter who was recovering from the death of her mother and is now like a member of the family.

Unfortunately, rather than trying to do what’s best for all involved, the Indian government just arrested Munda, sent the bear to the zoo and his daughter to boarding school. Now the little bear isn’t eating. The whole thing just isn’t right. I do agree that he shouldn’t be raising a bear at his house, but he shouldn’t go to jail and the bear’s hunger strike is dangerous. Booo Indian government! Booo!

Seriously, how cute is that little bear on the bike? He looks like he’s smiling.