Food Interesting

The 5 Most Expensive Beers Ever

I’ve always wanted to try Sam Adam’s Utopia, the 50 proof beer that goes for over $100 per bottle. While it was at one point the most expensive beer in the world, it’s now dropped down to #4 on the list and here are the rest.


Crochet Jägermeister

If you thought crocheting for old bitties and lonely housewives, this Jägermeister crochet might help prove you wrong. Apparently, chrocheters like to party like college kids.

Interesting Weird news

Beer Pong Linked To Herpes Rise


I don’t hate booze, but I really do think drinking games are pathetic most of the time. Maybe it’s because my ex of three years was an obsessive beer drinker. Regardless, I couldn’t help but laugh when I read this headline. Funny enough, they’re only talking about oral herpes from sharing glasses, not the other kind from losing one too many beer pong games.

* In 100% unrelated news, I added a new post on Cheapskate’s Handbook for the first time in a long time. Go look if you like free sandwiches and taking care of your pets.

Interesting Sickening

A Toast to Comfort


Consumerist tipped me off to an awesome event in Chicago -a Snuggie Pub Crawl. I know most people hate these things, but as someone who practically spends all their home time with a blanket on, I want one. And I want to go to this awesome event. If only I lived a few thousand miles from my home sweet home in San Diego. No, I think I’d still rather live here and choose blankets willingly, not out of necessity.

New Products or Services

Long time no post

Sorry loves, but I have had sickness and allergies that have made it a nightmare to function on a most basic level. I promise to start getting things back on track soon and as a first step, I thought I might tell those of you who are total drunks that Google feels your pain. In fact, they recently created a new Gmail service to stop you from sending out those pesky “drunk emails” to your friends and contacts. It’s called goggles and it requires you to answer a few math questions before the email can be sent.

Once you turn it on, you can adjust it to only work during the hours you are most likely to be tossed. So relax alcies, Gmail cares about you and the stupid shit you do while under the influence.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Work and pray, live on hay, you’ll get pie in the sky when you die -That’s a lie!.” –Joe Hill -Thanks Neatorama -BTW, if you’re a bit of a logophile like myself, you’ll love learning where the expressions we use everyday come from. (I know, I’m a nerd.)

Fact of the Day:
There were twice as many speak easies in 1930 than there were legal drinking establishments prior to prohibition. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
National Lighthouse Day -they can be fun to visit.

Link of the Day:
50 Animals Smooshed against glass. ADORABLE!!!!!

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Our incomes are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and to trip.” -John Locke

Fact of the Day:
In Babylon, beer was rationed according to a person’s social standing – those high in society such as high priests, were allotted five litres of beer per day. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
The feasts of Caprotinia, a Roman celebration of female slaves. How fun!

Link of th Day:
Have some delicious and pretty Jell-O shots while punishing yourself for owning female slaves.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness Forth of July Version

Quote of the Day:
“Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has a right to, but himself.” -John Locke

Fact of the Day:
The American national anthem, the “Star-Spangled Banner,” is set to the tune of an English drinking song (“To Anacreon in Heaven”). –Source

Today’s Holiday:
American Independance Day…boring, it’s also Filipino-American Friendship Day.

Link of the Day:
How about some of InventorSpot’s American flag action? The tattoo is probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen, but let’s hear it for American kitty…stay away from me-e. American kitty, mama let me be-e. Ok, I’m done now.