Entertainment Interesting Politics

Cosmo For The Terrorist Woman?

Perhaps it’s just me, but if I was expected to wear a burqa whenever I left the house, I wouldn’t care too much about my looks, which is why Al Queda’s new magazine, Al-Shamikha, dubbed the “Jihad Cosmo” doesn’t seem like much of a threat. Sure women may be interested in the group’s cause, but I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of readership from women that are asked not to display their beauty and to dress in plain fashions by offering them a magazine filled with beauty and fashion tips.

Thanks to reader Ashley for the tip!

Politics Sickening Travel

Terrorists On A Plane As Unlikely As Snakes

Researchers have revealed that your chances of getting on a plane that has a potential terrorist are far far lower than your chances of getting struck by lightning. “Therefore, the odds of being on given departure which is the subject of a terrorist incident have been 1 in 10,408,947 over the past decade. By contrast, the odds of being struck by lightning in a given year are about 1 in 500,000,” says FiveThirtyEight.

Meanwhile, the TSA is taking even greater steps to destroy anyone’s desire to ever get on an airplane or ever travel to the U.S. again. They want to prevent any electronic devices from being in the cabin during international flights into the U.S. Everyone will be patted down before boarding, and, you also cannot get up during the last hour of the flight or even use a blanket during this last hour. You tell me, is there really any level of risk we should give up these rights for?

Image via mugly.

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Stupidest Supposed Terrorism Ever

The pentagon has come up with some really moronic “terrorist” threats since 9-11, but I sincerely think this one might take the cake. They have decided that terrorists will plan attacks on the White House or other major targets using gaming social network sites like WOW. That’s right, terrorists are going to create warlocks so they can elaborately line up real world maps over World Of Warcraft lands and then discuss attacking the areas with “spells.” Are you shaking in your shoes yet? Yeah, me neither.

I hate the direction our country is headed when it comes to this insane paranoia. The yeti expedition is more likely to find something real than the government is at this point.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.” -Jane Austen

Fact of the Day:
Wasps can sniff out food toxins, crop fungus, bodies, drugs, and even 2,4-DNT, a volatile component in dynamite that dogs struggle to smell, so they may be the drug and bomb sniffing dogs of the future. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
National Dog Day and Women’s Equality Day –is it a coincidence they’re on the same date? I don’t think so.

Link of the Day:
The ten best sand artists and their work, via WebUrbanist.


Watch Your Feet

Some sickos have been planting sharpened metal spikes in public parks. So far this has been discovered in Seattle and the Netherlands. Luckily, no one has been seriously hurt yet, but it is damn freaky.

Learn more here.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Things are more like they are now than they have ever been.” -Gerald R. Ford

Fact of the Day:
There is no solid evidence that the $5.6 billion annual cost of airport screening is effective in preventing terrorist incidents. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Annual Soapy Smith Wake in Alaska and Hollywood.

Link of the Day:
101 picnic dishes that take under 20 minutes. Yum.


Terrorism Is Delicious At Buns And Guns

A new burger joint in Beirut has opened with a terrorist theme. Order burgers to the audio of gunfire -no, really, they’re doing that, and the walls are decorated with fake guns and camoflauge. Try a “rocket propelled grenade” -a.k.a. a chicken skewer.

For more info, visit the Metro article.