Geekery History Politics

6 Civil War Myths Everyone Believes

To some extent, it’s easy to see why today’s kids are so stupid, considering how much of this complete misinformation they still feed us in schools.

Interesting Sickening

The Most Untrue Things Teachers Say

When I was in high school, my life management (yes, that’s really what the B.S. class was called) teacher tried to tell us that a women can tell how much her fiance loves her based on how expensive of an engagement ring he bought her. She got really pissed off and wouldn’t answer when I asked, “so you’re saying a rich man is more capable of loving someone than a poor man, just because he can buy a bigger ring?”

As it turns out, that’s not even close to as terrible as some of these terrible lies teachers have told their students. Feel free to share any lies your teachers told you in the comments.

Hilariously appropriate photo via Doug Beckers [Flickr]

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Tiny Children Are Great Models

What is this, a pool for ants?

Politics Sickening

Fox Lies About Political Parties

mccainD78344567567Remember when John McCain ran for a chance to be Democratic presidential candidate? Neither do I. But Fox News aparently does. While we all know they’re full of it, I was unaware that they routinely change Repulican politicians into Democrats whenever they are in a scandal or just bother the station in some way.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.” -Theodor Adorno

Fact of the Day:
Wig sales have been going up since Sara Palin was nominated. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
America’s Day For Kids

Link of the Day:
Muppets take the internet.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“I guess sometimes you have to lie to find the truth.” -Scott Westerfeld

Fact of the Day:
100 years ago, the maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Be sure to celebrate this one, it’s Chocolate Day…mmmmm

Link of the Day:
Genre by Don Hertzfeldt, another one of his amazing films. This one is about movie genres.