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Indiana Mouse and the Temple of Cheese


Today’s TeeFury shirt is filled to the brim with both cuteness and geekiness as Indiana Mouse trades a bag full of sand for a slice of cheese. Will he get his treat, or will the trap get him?

Update: While no longer available at TeeFury, you can now get this great tee at the NeatoShop.

Entertainment Geekery

If the Doctors Were In Futurama

No, it’s not just a Doctor Who joke, there are all kinds of great doctors here, although Ten is the best!

Entertainment Geekery Holidays

How To Be Lego Indiana Jones

I know Halloween is a good while away, but it’s never too early to appreciate great costumes like this.

Comic-Con Entertainment Geekery RTD Original

Comic Con Costumes 2008

PhotobucketComic Con this year was awesome and it was a thrill to document all the cool junk going on. While there will be a few posts, including some awesome interviews, this post will be all about the costumes of Comic Con. Keep reading in the future so you can see the coolest Comic Con merch, the hottest comic con girls, interviews with writer of the upcoming animated movie Igor, Emily the Strange’s creator, The Fairly Odd Parent’s creator and more!

The costumes vary from dorky to awesome to lazy to sexy and everywhere in between. Just take a look for yourself. Be sure to click on any you like to see the full image.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you like this post, feel free to check out my 25 hotties at Comic Con post, which has more hot costumes and just some hot nerds.