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Today’s Great Tee Fury Shirt

Come on, you know you want Star T-Rex!

Art Geekery Interesting

Amazing Airagami

There are a number of great balloon artists, many of which are included here, but I absolutely adore this one by Mark Verge.

Art Awesome sites Geekery

Superhero Dinosaurs

Regular superheros are just so boring these days with their opposable thumbs and high-level cognitive abilities. That’s why Flickr user d.r3sto’s collection of superhero dinosaurs is so bad ass.

Art Funny Geekery

WWII Propaganda…Now With Dinos

If you’re looking for some of the best mock-propaganda artwork coming out in the next few months, look no further than these awesome dinosaur propaganda posters themed after WWII.

Art Geekery

Dinosaurs As X-Men

David Resto created a kid’s dream monster when he printed these pics of superheros redone as dinosaurs.

Funny Geekery

Bigotry Is Never Acceptable

For those people who think that Obama’s election put an end to bigotry in the U.S., just take a look at this sickening job ad.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“If you train hard, you’ll not only be hard, you’ll be hard to beat.” -Herschel Walker

Fact of the Day:
If you read something before bed, your brain is more likely to store it into your long term memory. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Ride the Wind Day

Link of the Day:
Learn the amazing story behind the most complete T Rex fossils found on earth.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Light purple isn’t called light purple, it’s called lavender.” –An annoying mom overheard at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.

Fact of the Day:
Enough sunlight strikes the face of the earth in one hour to

satisfy the entire globe’s energy needs for a year. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Work Like A Dog Day –I think I’ll work like my dog, and by that, I mean sleep and eat all day.

Link of the Day:
This has been circulating the interwebz for a while now, but if you still haven’t seen 9 Reasons Not to Date A T Rex yet, please do click. It’s adorable and brilliant.