Art Graffiti

13 Amazing Graffiti Artists

WebUrbanist has some amazing graffiti artists that don’t limit themselves to a small canvas, but instead take advantage of huge buildings.

Art Graffiti Travel

Cool and Trippy Canera Graffiti

Artists Janna and JS wanted to make their graffiti interact with the viewers in any given city, so they started painting each other holding cameras. While seeing these artworks in person is pretty cool, it also results in even more amazing photos, where the art looks like it is taking a picture of a passerby as someone else just happened to snap a picture of the action. Check out more of these great designs over at WebUrbanist.

Art Funny Graffiti

Take That!

When a real estate agency painted over the great mural above, I doubt they expected someone to get revenge like this.

Entertainment Geekery Graffiti

Sweet Star Wars Graffiti

May the force be with your street with these 32 awesome Star Wars graffiti pieces.

Art Graffiti Travel

14 Bad Ass Graffiti Pictures In Brazil

These 14 graffiti paintings are simply amazing. Enjoy!

Art Funny Graffiti

Brilliantly Placed Street Art

Street art is always cool to look at, but like most art, it is best when it invokes emotion -even if that emotion is humor like the piece above manages to inspire. Oddee has some wonderfully contextual pieces of street art that manage to take advantage of their locations.


Funny Graffiti Pictures


Now That’s Nifty has a great collection of funny graffiti pictures. I like the one above a lot.  Take that graffiti cleanup hotline!

Graffiti Interesting

Is This 34 Year-Old Geek Banksy?

MailOnline claims that the true identity of the world’s most famous graffiti artist, Banksy, has finally been revealed and he is none other than 34 year-old Robin Gunningham, pictured here.

Personally, I’m just not feeling it, this guy looks way too lame. But, it’s possible. I mean, Banksy is all just a crazy image, so it is pretty hard to say for sure. I just don’t think they have enough evidence to say for certain yet.