
Pupies Dressed As Kitties

The Connan Show has a great clip here. How can you make pups cuter? Make them kittens!

Animals Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

18 Pups In One Litter


The world’s largest litter of dalmation puppies are adorable. I’m ignoring the obligatory 101 Dalmations jokes, feel free to insert you own.


Doggie & Kittie With Chicks

Damn this interspecies love fest, I just can’t stand the adorability. Check the user’s other YouTube videos for more cute videos, including the chicks when they grow up.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” -Harry S Truman

Fact of the Day:
In Virginia, from 1984 to 2000, Martin Luther King was honored on the same day as two guys who have very different legacies: Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The state holiday was known as “Lee-Jackson-King Day –Source

Today’s Holiday:
International Youth Day –youngsters rejoice, old men hide.

Link of the Day:
This silly deer followed the dog home through the doggy door. Must have been a surprise for his owner.

New Products or Services

Best Dog Swim Suits of 2008

Def Cab Dog Pants?Just in time for summer, Inventor Spot has a list of the best dog bathing suits this summer. While it’s not the absolute cutest of all the options (as it’s for a boy dog and the dresses are amazing), I wanna get the one on the right for my little Percy dog. You may know him as Def Cab Dog.