Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” -Harry S Truman

Fact of the Day:
In Virginia, from 1984 to 2000, Martin Luther King was honored on the same day as two guys who have very different legacies: Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The state holiday was known as “Lee-Jackson-King Day –Source

Today’s Holiday:
International Youth Day –youngsters rejoice, old men hide.

Link of the Day:
This silly deer followed the dog home through the doggy door. Must have been a surprise for his owner.


One World One Dream -No Blacks

Following all the protests against China’s gross civil rights records, their government decided to throw some blatant racism onto the fire by banning Blacks and Mongolians from bars by the games.

Never mind how many blacks will be participating in the games…no, they’re all aparently “social undesirables.”

I hope everyone in the Chinese government has already reserved their spots in heaven, because they’ve got no chance of getting in without paying.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

“It’s a control freak thing. I wouldn’t let you understand.” -S.H. Underwood

Subway and streetcar operators earn more than twice the salary of ambulance drivers: $47,740 versus $22,310. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Today is the start of the “Dog Days” of summer.

Link of the day:
To celebrate the Dog Days of Summer, why not show something that’s really hot? Like the Door To Hell, pictured at right.

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Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day

“Maybe this world is another planet’s Hell.” – Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)