
Dog Wigs Bring teh Cute

Cute Overload has some adorable pets in wigs. Go look at them!


Dogville Shorts

At Comic Con, I was lucky enough to be introduced to the brilliance that is the Dogville shorts. These “Barkies” are hilarious, perhaps animal abuse, but hey…it was the 20’s.  You won’t believe how cute the costumes are, particularly on some of the girl dogs. They actually have plots. Bad plots for the most part, but the adorable dogs with decent enough plots actually make them worth watching. Plus, I’ve decided they are the ultimate party/bar films for something that people will look up at and say “WTF,” without actually stopping to watch the screen for too long.

These short films using dogs as actors were collected and compilled into one bootleg DVD that you can buy from this site. I’m not trying to sell these to you, but I will say this DVD was the best thing I bought at the comic con and that’s the only place I can seem to find them for sale.

Lol kittehs

A LOL CAT Alphabet

Lol kittehs

Give Your Eyes A High Five -1000 Views!

Hey you guys!

I have just reached 1000 views on the interwebz and I owe it all to you. I know in the scheme of things on the net 1000 isn’t much, but this blog is just a little baby -only a few weeks old.

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Best Dog Swim Suits of 2008

Def Cab Dog Pants?Just in time for summer, Inventor Spot has a list of the best dog bathing suits this summer. While it’s not the absolute cutest of all the options (as it’s for a boy dog and the dresses are amazing), I wanna get the one on the right for my little Percy dog. You may know him as Def Cab Dog.