Interesting Science

Stop Breathing: You’re Doing It Wrong

You’ll never believe that most humans sleep, poop, even breathe wrong…until you read this Cracked article that tells you why.

Art Interesting

Naked Bodies Turned Into Nature Art

Cecelia Webber uses nude human bodies to portray gorgeous natural structures. Check out more of her images over on Environmental Graffiti.


Amazing Photo Of A Whale Skull

A blue whale skull compared to an average sized man. Yeah, you could say they’re pretty big.

Nature Science

Common Misconceptions About Humans

We’ve all heard that we only use 10% of our brains and that our fingernails and hair continue to grow after death, but these stories and others just aren’t true. Get the whole story with this great Environmental Graffiti article.

Image via Gaetan Lee


WTF of the Day

Thank you Giggle Sugar for this tremendously traumatizing image that is certain to scar me for life. If this is the costume you and your family are planning to wear, please tell me that under these costumes you look like a Barbie Doll and can’t precreate further.

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day

“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness” -Seneca