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Get Sexy With Your Whovian Self



Do you wish your geek was showing even when too much skin was showing? Then you might want to invest in some great geeky bras and panties from tefa23.

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Be Sexy In Tron Wear

sexy tron dress

We’ve wrote about the sexy Tron set in Playboy before, but now’s your chance to wear your own hot, program-inspired lingerie thanks to Etsy seller Artiface Clothing.

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Too Tacky For Even The Bundies


Do you love the look of jeans with underwear hanging out the top but hate actually wearing underwear? Then you might just be the .0001% of the population who actually likes these pants. Talk about whoreoama!


Dail C For “Creepy”

Photo by flikr user Mag3737
Photo by flikr user Mag3737

According to YesButNoButYes, some weirdo is selling a used, and UNWASHED, pair of Michael Jackson’s tighty whiteys…no, I don’t mean his boy toys, I mean his underwear.

Whether or not you think he really is a child molester, buying men’s used undies is pretty gross, especially when they belong to someone that fades in between man, woman and space alien at least 3 times per minute.

On the other hand, if any of you want to buy any of my used underwear for $500, we may be able to arrange something. I assure you I have never molested children or been accused of being a man…so at this price, you’re a fool not to buy! Hey, a girls gotta make some money somehow.