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14 Hilarious Parody Twitter Accounts

Did you know the botched Jesus fresco now has its own Twitter account? Here are 13 other hilarious and stupid parody accounts you might enjoy following.

Funny Sickening Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

20 Seriously Strange Twitter Pics

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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Anti-Twitterers Unite

Woofer Web site screen shot.img_assist_custom

Hate Twitter? You may consider MACRO blogging platform Woofer instead. Each post must take at least some bit of thought as there is a minimum of 1400 characters per post. Sure you could just use a normal blog at that point, but woofer is so much more social and so much more of an FU to Twitter. Will it last? Who knows. All I know is it’s nice to see I’m not the only one who hates “mirco blogging.” Those of you who actually follow the blog on Twitter will notice it’s no more than a series of links back to the site here. That’s the only 140 character posts I can get behind.