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Because the Tube Is To Crowded to Go Anywhere Anyway

All of London’s traffic is bogged down thanks to the Olympics, so even those who could make it to The Tube are just sitting around. So, if you really want to feel like you’re there for the games right now, just get your hands on this great Tube tent.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Fact of the Day:
Between 1912 and 1948, art competitions, such as painting, sculpting and music, were included in the Olympics. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day -yawn

Link of the Day:
There are lots of huge things in the United Arab Emirates.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” -Aesop

Fact of the Day:
A rhinoceros’ horn is made of compacted hair. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Manhattenhenge, the day where the sun lines up directly with the East/West Streets of Manhattan.

Link of the Day:
The Scenester Olympics -which pretentious douchebag has what it takes to deserve to die more than the rest.


Tasteless, Cruel and Yet, A Little Funny

Taking a tip from the legendary film “I’m Gonna Get You Sucker,” the Chinese have take the goldfish out of shoes and into key chains to support the Olympics. What better way to remember the coming together of different nations in sport than a small fish destined to die in a few days? Read more on this cruel, yet strangely giggle-inducing idea here.

BTW, yes, it probably is a fake, so it’s ok to laugh…just like the bonsai kittens.

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