Animals Art New Products or Services

Pedobear Tee Shirt

You have to read the description on the shirt page too:

If you don’t know who cuddlebear is, then our legal department tells us to say that this product is a very cute bear.  A very innocent bear.  He even has candy in his van!  We didn’t get any though, something about being “too old.”

Fashion Funny Geekery New Products or Services

Pedobear Hat

If you liked those 6 year old French Vogue models a bit too much, have I got the hat for you.

Comic-Con Geekery Humor

Police Miss The Ball On Pedobear

The scariest thing about pedophiles is that, unless they are card-carrying members of NAMBLA, they’re pretty difficult to distinguish from the rest of the creepy-looking populace.  But don’t tell that to the San Louis Obisbo Sheriff’s Department who thinks that popular internet meme Pedobear is actually a way for sex offenders to communicate their lust for children to one another. Apparently, they even kicked someone out of Comic Con for dressing as Pedobear and handing out candy, not understanding that the last person who would molest kids would be a teenager wearing a costume mocking the icon used to shame creepy child molesters.