Geekery Hotties Interesting Weird news

Would You Visit A Sci Fi Brothel?

I know many people have watched Star Trek and dreamed of one day enjoying the company of the sexy green gals from other worlds. Or at least, that’s what Moonlight Bunnyranch owner Dennis Hof is hoping for as he prepares to open his new science fiction brothel.

Really though, if he just gets enough slave Leias running around, I’m sure he’ll be raking in a profit in no time. Would you stop by a house of ill-repute filled with alien babes?


ShamWow Douche Arrested!

0327092sham1awmGuess who beat up a hooker, ok, maybe the photo and headline gave it away.

ShamWow guy AKA Vince Shlomi got arrested after a violent confrontation with a whore in his South Beach hotel room. Based on the images, he’s aleady got some of what’s coming to him, whether by the hands of the woman or the police.

Shlomi said that when he kissed Harris, she suddenly “bit his tongue and would not let go.” Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue.

Every now and then you just need a little celebrity gossip in your life. Thank you The Smoking Gun.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“All fighters are prostitutes and all promoters are pimps.” -Larry Holmes

Fact of the Day:
Ancient mummies were used as medicine in the mid-ages and were even sorted into four categories to determine how useful they would be to the patient. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
National Punctuation Day… my favorite is an ellipses.

Link of the Day:
10 Things you can do with your body after you die.