Art Funny New Products or Services

Time to Step All Over Hitler

See more hilarious and creepy home decorations in this Oddee article.

Animals Funny Lol kittehs

Cats That Look Like Hitler

There’s nothing wrong with kitlers, just like there’s nothing wrong with admitting that they do, indeed, carry a striking resemblance to the world’s most famous fascist.

New Products or Services

Bring Da Awesome: Wolfenflickr

Boing Boing has a link to one of the coolest games ever, only even cooler. Wolfenflickr combines old-school gamer favorite, Wolfenstien, and a flickr stream to spruce up those ugly nazi paintings orginally found in the game. Have fun kids, and remember, Hitler was a failed artist too.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Photo by Norma Iriz

Quote of the Day:
“What luck for rulers that men do not think.” -Adolf Hitler, if ever a quote makes you think, let it be this one.

Fact of the Day:
Cute originally meant bow legged –so I’m definitely cute! –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Senior Citizen’s Day –stay off the roads today

Link of the Day:
Feel better about your writing by reading some really bad metaphors from high school students…funny enough, some of these sound like silly thinks Tom Robbins would use.