
Lion Loves His People

I know it’s been circulating a while, but thanks to my company’s wonderful habit of blocking YouTube, I only now got to watch this video.

And tears welled up. If you haven’t seen the story of Christian the Lion, then watch and enjoy!

New Products or Services

Buy A Buddy A Beer -Online

I have to say, I think is a brilliant idea. You can now buy anyone across the country a beer that they can redeem wherever they live. Huge places like TGIFridays, Chilli’s and Bennigan’s take part in the program, so no matter where you are, there’s probably a place to redeem your brew.

Buy your interweb or WOW buddies a drink, hooray!

Personally, I’d rather see a cocktail one, but this is a good start.

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Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)