Art Entertainment Interesting

Amazing Photos of Drag Queens Half Out Of Make Up

Sometimes seeing a drag queen (particularly Ru Paul) out of her make up can almost be shocking. If you’ve ever wondered how drastic the change can be, then you’ll love these portraits by New York City-based photographer Leland Bobbé showing these performers half in and half out of their make up.

Entertainment History

Creepy & Cool Ventriloquest Pictures

Whether you’re terrified or fascinated by ventriloquists and their dummies, you’ll love these crazy pictures of dummies of old.

Geekery Interesting Politics

10 Awesome Flashmobs

I tend to think most flashmobs are just kind of silly, but it’s hard to deny the impressiveness of this group of break dancing pregnant women who are trying to make a point about the dangers of pregnancy in the third world. Catch more cool flashmobs over at Oddee.

Animals Funny Lol kittehs

Hamlet Starring All Cats

Trying to deal with low ticket sales, San Diego’s Old Globe theater has decided to cash in on the power of the kitteh by hosting an all-cat cast version of Hamlet in 2011. While theater-buffs everywhere are cringing, lol cat fans are shivering in anticipation of the event.

Being as how I live in San Diego, I will do whatever I can to not only make this show, but bring back images for you loyal readers.


The Weirdest Bands Ever

Boobs and rock go together better than gravy and mashed potatoes, which is why the All Girl Topless Band of 1960’s Las Vegas has to be the best band on this list of hilariously strange bands.