Animals Holidays Videos

Oskar The Blind Kitten Discovers Christmas

It might just look like an artificial Christmas tree to you, but to a kitten with no eyes, it feels and smells just like a giant kitty scratching post.

Animals Videos

Blind Kitty Discovers Toys

This is eight week old Oscar’s first interaction with toys. While he can’t see them, he can hear the jingle in the balls and still have a blast.

Animals Humor Videos

If Cats Ran Media

Finally someone gets it.

Animals Interesting Videos

An Owl And Cat Friendship

This is some seriously adorable stuff here people.


Puppy Plays Kitten Midwife

0000006054 A miniature pinscher was able to save a kitten after its five month old mother didn’t have the energy to keep delivering the baby during labor. The pup not only helped to extract the last kitten, but also cleaned it and its siblings and the mother.

“It is amazing. Ever since then she just sits there, checking to see the kittens are OK and the minute the mother gets up, she jumps in there to keep them warm. Nicky is a star with cats. Once when she had a litter of her own, she also allowed our kittens to drink from her.”

This adorable “tail” was brought to you by the Weekend Post Online.