Few things are universally agreeable. But the fact that 2020 is the shittiest year in at least the last 50 years is not debatable. With that in mind, it seems appropriate to make your Christmas gifts for 2020 as memorable as this terrible year itself.
For the Ornament-A-Year Person

Plenty of people get a new ornament for their tree each year that helps them recall the events of that past year. In 2020, there are few ornaments more fitting than this toilet reindeer.
For the Sour Person With a Sweet Tooth

It’s always nice to give something a little sweet for Christmas, but this year, let’s be honest with the people on our list that we don’t know well enough to get something more substantial and just tell them to eat a dick already.
For Your Naughty Female Friend

While we’re on the subject, here’s something certain to tickle your lady-friend’s fancy while reminding them that they are most certainly on the naughty list.
For Your Friend that Never Grew Up

Some people seem determined to be kids forever. Here’s a way to say “I accept you, but also, you’re a total prick” -meet the Dickosaurus.
For the Person Who Needs to Look at the Bright Side

We’re all hoping something beautiful will eventually grow out of the pile of shit that was 2020, and there may be no better way to express that sentiment than with this piece of shit in a box that is actually a clump of dirt filled with wildflower seeds. Really, this gift isn’t half as shitty as it seems
For the Person Convinced 2021 Will be Just as Shitty

Shopping for a doomsayer who keeps saying that 2021 isn’t going to be any better than 2020? Then remind them of how crappy life can be with this calendar of dogs pooping. Besides, who doesn’t love a good dog calendar?
For the Cynic Who Wants to Create a More Beautiful World

Some people are always talking about how terrible everything is, but still constantly dream about a way to make the world better. This crayon set with offensive color names like “boner pill blue” and “suspicious cold sore” is a perfect way to remind them of the realities of their world while letting them draw a more pleasant place to be.
For Your Co-Worker Who is a Real Dick

Ordinarily, you couldn’t give this Christmas dick mug to a co-worker without getting reported to HR. But this year, you just might be lucky enough to end up with your co-worker’s addresses and that means you can send this anonymously without putting your job on the line.
Looking for more products well suited to 2020? Don’t miss this list of items that can make your continued quarantine slightly less terrible. And if you’re looking for something new to do while you’re bored at home, don’t miss these great DIY kits featured on Etsy.
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