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Types of students you’ll meet in lectures

In college, there are different types of students, and commonly the observation is made while attending lectures. To tell the type of student one is dealing with, the distractions portrayed give a guideline. For instance, I met a student one time who asked me, “How much can I pay you so that you can do the best essay for me?” Immediately, I could tell this is a student who does not attend lectures and probably busy running some business while still in college, which from the look of things was lucrative. Since he does not have the time for lectures, he is willing to pay and still pass the exams because money is not a problem.

Below is a discussion of the various types of students in colleges.

1) He/ She spends five hours on her hair and ten minutes working on her essays.
There are many of this kind and in a college they can never miss. It is surprising that whenever one hears of spending ten hours on the hair, only women cross their minds. Nevertheless, there are many men who are caught in this and looking at them one would guess they are from a beauty salon.

2) Those that answer all the questions because they think they know it all
This kind of people can be extremely annoying because you do not understand the reason they are answering all the questions. They do not give anyone time to talk or express a different opinion. Anyone would just feel like telling them, if you only want to hear your voice, you can as well go home and spend all the time agreeing with yourself. This is one of the irritating type one can ever meet.

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3) Those who flirt while others are busy trying to concentrate
The flirters go to an extent of flirting with the professors. They are easily recognized by their fake walking style, fake laughter and with dress codes close to those of a stripper.

4) The phone fanatics that will spend the whole time during a lecture on the phone then later borrow notes
It can be annoying because anyone would get this feeling that we all have phones, but during lectures we choose not to use them and listen as well as write notes. Therefore, no one is an exception. The worst thing, it could be that the person is your friend and in all other aspects they are never annoying.


5) Those that treat a lecture hall like a fashion show
Students should attend lectures looking appealing and presentable. However, there are some students who exaggerate the dressing code or make-up, which is not necessary because only fashion shows necessitate such conducts.

6) They look angry for no reason
Looking miserable and angry every day is not acceptable. Everyone has one of those days they feel down and probably discouraged, but one cannot be experiencing anger on a daily basis. No one wants to associate with such people.

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7) They read ahead despite the syllabus not being covered
They are always ahead and challenge the rest because they will even read other books that no one has looked at yet.

8) Those that will always ask questions that do not need answers
Instructions are given clearly, but there are people who will never lack a question, regardless of how pointless and stupid it can get.

By Jill

Hi, I'm just a crazy writer who spends too much time online.

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